Have you ever been told you need to eat six meals per day if you want to improve body composition? "Eat smaller, more frequent meals if you want to lose body fat" "The more frequently you eat, the faster your metabolism" Have you ever heard somebody say this? Chances are, at one stage or another, we've recommended it to a friend or family member. This is why meal frequency doesn't actually matter.
And how you can too...
"Before I started, I was depressed, I felt fat, lethargic and I couldn't see a way out. I had literally tried everything! I decided to drop Aidan a message online and I now know that without a doubt that was a LIFE CHANGING DECISION". - Sarah Sarah's results don't stop there, we're still counting down the kg's as they come off. This is just the beginning and Sarah is determined to take it to the next level. In this article, I'm going to share with you 3 powerful reasons why Sarah lost 15kg in just 4 months. This secret is so big, average personal trainers won't even tell you. If you consistently did this, you wouldn't need them.
Why am I telling you? Well, I've always said - I'm not your average personal trainer. Are you ready? Here's the #1 secret to phenomenal weight loss results. It's upon us....
Silly season is here! That means more parties, more food, increased alcohol consumption and lots of celebration. On average, we Aussies gain 0.8-1.5kg over the festive period. One to two kilograms might not sound like much but researchers have identified that weight gained over the silly season is rarely lost [1]. Fear not my friend, I'm on your side and I have your plan of action. In this article, I'll show you 10 tips that will actually help you avoid the silly season bulge. In this article, I'm going to show you how we helped Mitch shed 16kg, get abs and keep them in only six months. Mitch stepped on stage as a fitness model and did it all whilst eating his favourite foods. No bullshit or magic tricks, just plain logic and science. Here's how we did it.
For as long as I can remember, I've wanted a six pack. I used to read any Men's Health magazine I could get my hands on to discover the latest magical food or exercise formula. I would idolise every fitness model on every cover and say "why can't I look like that"?
The more I read, the more frustrated and confused I became. Nothing I did seemed to work and I tried everything. No ab crunch, leg raise, sit up or plank gave me the six pack I desired. Something needed to change if I wanted results. I'll let you in on a little secret - I didn't do one single sit up before any of those pictures above. Now, I'm nobody special. I have no special genetics or any magic formula (because there aint one). I'm just like your average joe. In this article, I'll share with you the exact steps I take to get myself, and my clients to low levels of body fat. Here are 5 simple steps to single digit body fat for the average joe. Have you ever been told you need to increase your protein intake?
I have. But what does this even mean? Why is protein so important and where can you find it? The fitness gurus seem to have it all mapped out yet when you log your food into my fitness pal, you always seem to fall short of your protein recommendation. If you know all about protein and you nail your daily requirements, thats awesome but this articles probably not for you. However, if you struggle to meet your daily protein requirements, want to know why protein is good for you, how much you should eat AND how to increase your daily intake then read on. In this article, I'm going to share with you 5 simple strategies to boost your protein intake. Losing weight can feel like a constant uphill battle.
You work long hours, have kids to look after and there never seems to be enough hours in the day to get everything done. It's frustrating right? In this article, you'll learn 5 no nonsense weight loss strategies for when you're time poor. Yo weight training, I'm really happy for you and I'mma let you finish, but the H.I.I.T vs Steady State Cardio (L.I.S.S) debate is one of the greatest of ALL time!
We've all learned that weight training is the most effective tool we have when it comes to general fat loss but what about cardio? By the end of this video, you'll understand the great debate of H.I.I.T vs steady state cardio and why you're doing it wrong. Working at a desk all day can be so draining right?
Do you:
You're not alone. By the end of this video, you'll learn 5 EASY, actionable ways to keep active as an office worker and live a healthier lifestyle. |
July 2021