I think you'll agree with me when I say: Weight loss is simple BUT, it's not easy. Or is it? Well it turns out, you can dramatically increase your weight loss success by doing these 3 fast, safe and effective weight loss strategies. The same simple, actionable strategies that have helped many of my clients across the globe lose weight and transformed my 'Sprint to Spring' challenge clients dropping over 50kg collectively in just over 4 weeks. In this article, I'm going to share with you these exact 3 fast, safe and effective weight loss strategies you're not doing. Weight loss is simple: Calories in vs calories out. That’s the final equation. You can dispute this until the cows come home but after going round and round in circles, we’ll always come back to calories in versus calories out. Although weight loss can be challenging, there are certainly simpler ways to lose weight, if done properly. I’m about to share with you these simple, easy to follow plans that have helped many of my clients across the globe lose weight. No pills, no diets, no gimmicks and no secrets. Here are 3 fast, safe and effective strategies to lose weight. 3 Fast, Safe & Effective Weight Loss Strategies You're Not DoingBefore we jump head first into these 3 weight loss strategies, you must understand something: They're not ground breaking nor are they exciting. However, there's no secret to weight loss. There will always be an element of sacrifice, pain and hard work. These qualities aren't sexy but you know what is: A body that YOU have worked hard for using these 3 fast, safe and effective weight loss strategies. Ready? #1 - Weight Training Weight training (also known as resistance training) is the KING of weight loss. Here's why: Simply put, weight training burns the most calories over a long period of time. When you do aerobic exercise such as walking, you will burn calories for the duration of that activity however when you do a bout of intense resistance training, you burn calories during AND up to 15-38 hours afterwards, depending on the intensity. [1] This is also known as EPOC (exercise post oxygen consumption) or the 'afterburn'. For example:
Okay, these numbers are seriously estimates and your exact numbers will be completely different but you can see the principle. Here are some more reasons why weight training is the king of weight loss:
The best part? Improving your strength, power and body composition (as a result) all help to boost your metabolism. The bottom line: Lift those weights and you'll get some serious results. Here's an example (from our client) that shows what weight training can do: So yeah, if you're not weight training, you're missing out on a huge opportunity to accelerate your fat loss. If you're unsure how, employ an expert to show you. #2 - Keep A Food Diary Writing your food down in a diary has been proven to substantially help you lose weight [6]. It's a strategy that's so simple and easy to use. In fact, I believe it's one of the most under-utilised strategies when it comes to weight loss. Here's why: You might hate tracking your calories because it feels a little tedious and it's hard to see immediate results. You're not alone, and this is why most people don't do it. Look, that's totally fine because tracking your daily intake is only a tool. It's kinda like using a GPS to help you drive from A to B. You could probably get there without it, but it might take you a little longer because you'll take a few wrong turns, make mistakes and get frustrated at lack of progress. Whichever way you look at it, unless you're eating in a deficit, you will not lose weight. So, you have a couple of options here (neither are wrong). You can keep track of your food on a piece of paper or, you can rapidly increase your success rate by knowing your daily intake and tracking your calories in an app. Here are your options: Option #1 (Beginner) - Download my food diary for free here and simply start recording what you eat on a day to day basis. Writing it down keeps you honest and identifies areas for improvements. This food diary is guaranteed to help you do that. Option #2 (Advanced) - Download an app like MyFitnessPal where you can start tracking your food intake in a little more detail. This is my preferred choice, as it gives me more control. Ultimately though, the choice is yours. Whichever option you pick, both are guaranteed to help you succeed in your weight loss. #3 - Cardio Cut a long story short, cardio is essentially any form of activity that increases your heart rate, get's you moving and provides some physical exertion of the body. Cardio generally involves exercising at a consistent level of intensity over a period of time. This includes (but not limited to):
Cardio is super important for heart health and should be included in anyone's weight loss program. Here's why: As a result of doing cardio, you can expect: (please note, these points have been taken from Precision Nutrition's article, which can be found here)
Convinced yet? As you can see, cardio is pretty important for your health and is a great tool for weight loss. It's safe, effective, easy to perform and can accelerate your fat loss by creating a larger calorie deficit. See also: HIIT vs Steady State Cardio - Why you're doing it wrong The Bottom LineUltimately, to lose weight you must be burning more calories than you consume. All 3 strategies I've outlined above will greatly enhance your ability to do so and almost guarantee your weight loss success. If you want the extra support with added accountability, join our awesome, private Facebook group for free here. Or, if you want to have your very own health coach (me) who will tell you exactly what to do, how to do it (and why), get in touch with me here. I don't do hard selling, so don't worry about feeling pressured to buy anything. If you think we're a good fit, we'll take the next step :).
[1] - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17101527 [2] - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2966873/ [3] - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27580151 [4] - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27634943 [5] - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27580152 [6]https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18617080?ordinalpos=1&itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_RVDocSum
28/5/2022 03:50:04 am
I appreciate that you explained how we could lose weight in less time without putting our health at risk. My wife and I want to burn out all the calories we've gained over the past few months, so we're interested in joining a fitness program, and we think your article could provide key insight about one. Thanks for the advice on weight training and how it helps our metabolism.
31/10/2022 11:57:23 pm
Doesn’t make sense, will it? you will argue that why eat ‘hot’ spicy food in summers? except for those that love spicy food, summer is that the best time to indulge themselves! As per analysis, chillies and peppers contain chemical irritant, a compound from that these foods get their ‘heat’. This helps in boosting metabolism and helps in losing weight.
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