What is mental health and how do you know when someone is struggling? In this radio interview with ABC Sydney, we discussed all things mental health and mental health first aid. I think it's safe to say we all know somebody (or even ourselves) who've struggled with a mental illness. It could be anything from Anxiety, to Depression, to Psychosis. I was super fortunate to join Cassie McCullagh and Nick & Femi on ABC Sydney Radio to discuss all things mental health and mental health first-aid. We discussed how to read the signs when someone is struggling and how we help our own clients break through their struggles and inner demons. You can listen to our discussion in the player below. are you struggling?Call Lifeline on 13 11 14 to feel heard, understood and supported.
If you want help transforming your mind and body with a team of expert coaches who understand your needs and will listen to you, contact us on 0415132068 via either a text or call.
Rosalind L Proud
9/9/2021 12:35:08 pm
Listened to ABC Radio interview was grateful
Rosalind L Proud
9/9/2021 10:17:16 pm
It made me cry to be honest. I have bi polar type ! disorder. I also went to Sub Acute Mental Health Voluntarily in February this year I'm 51. I've begun again relying on alcohol to cope with feelings of loneliness and hopelessness. I'm only day 3 sober again. Obviously drinking on-top of meds does not help in any way except whilst intoxicated as I don't care til wine runs out. Thanks for sharing this . I consider myself lucky I've a supportive psychologist and D&A worker.
10/9/2021 08:56:26 am
Thanks so much for sharing that with me Rosalind and taking the time to listen and comment. Great to hear you have a supportive psychologist and D&A worker.
31/7/2023 11:06:24 pm
Mental health first aid is a vital approach to supporting individuals facing mental health challenges. It involves providing initial help to someone experiencing a mental health crisis or struggling with mental illness. It's crucial to recognize signs like changes in behavior, mood, or withdrawal from social activities. Showing empathy, offering a listening ear, and encouraging professional help are ways to apply mental health first aid. Engaging in open discussions like your radio interview helps raise awareness and promote understanding around mental health. Thank you for shedding light on this essential topic.
7/4/2024 10:00:14 pm
This radio interview on mental health first aid is such an important and timely topic. I appreciate the clear explanations of what mental health first aid entails and how it can be applied in both personal and professional settings. The emphasis on being able to recognize signs of distress and provide initial support until professional help is available is crucial.
15/11/2024 04:29:08 am
Mental Health First Aid is a valuable skill! Learn how you can help others in times of crisis with practical tools and knowledge.
19/12/2024 05:34:54 pm
TMS therapy represents a cutting-edge approach to mental health treatment. Ongoing research continues to expand our understanding of its potential benefits and applications for various neurological and psychiatric conditions.
11/1/2025 10:01:46 pm
A comprehensive Partial Hospitalization Program in Los Angeles offering intensive support for mental health recovery through structured daily treatment.
23/1/2025 07:24:28 pm
Outpatient rehab allows individuals to receive addiction treatment while maintaining their daily responsibilities. This flexible approach includes therapy sessions, group support, and medical care without requiring a stay at a facility.
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