Setting a New Year's resolution is usually what most people do to start the year. It's "the thing" to do if you want get healthy, make positive changes and break old habits. This is cool, but when was the last time you actually fulfilled your New Year's resolution? Can you remember what your 2016 resolution was? I can't. For me, the new year is just another day. You see, your body doesn't actually know it's a NEW year. Your fat cells don't understand we've just added a number to the calendar year. The point is there's no perfect time to get healthy. Okay look, there are many ways to have a healthy start to the year but here are 3 successful strategies for a guaranteed healthy 2017. I don't know about you, but trying to lose weight over and over again is painful and frustrating. It never gets easier does it? Most people start a new year on a new diet and a "new me" persona. Only problem is, they haven't fully changed the one thing that really creates long term change - themselves. Changing something on the outside (body image) begins with changing something on the inside (your mindset). Most New Year strategies work in the short term, but not the long term. This is why I'm going to be talking about how you can set yourself up for long term success in 2017. I'm going to lay out for you 3 successful strategies for a guaranteed healthy 2017. 3 Successful Strategies For A Guaranteed Healthy 2017 If you truly want to make a change this year and be healthy, it goes far beyond setting a goal just to help yourself feel good. It goes further than simply setting a New Year's resolution and it's more than just saying "I want to lose weight this year". Taking action on what you set out to do is actually the biggest secret to long term weight loss. I want to help you make a healthy, successful start to 2017. One that isn't just for January, but sets you up for the whole year. I helped these guys do it, and the results speak for themelves. Let's move on to the strategies. The first on might surprise you. #1 - Ditch The 'New Year's Resolution' Approach Look, I'm all for setting goals. In fact it's the first step I take when I sit down with a client. But setting a 'New Year's resolution' is a temporary goal at best. It means you've waited until a 'perfect moment' to set a goal and let's be honest, if you're starting a weight loss journey based on a 'perfect moment', you'll always be waiting for the perfect time to do something. Your motivation may be high at first, but once your regular habits seep back in, you'll feel yourself spiralling out of control and before you know it, you're back to square one. A New Year's resolution goal is usually an outcome goal. This is a goal that you don't really have control of. For example, a goal of losing 10kg is an outcome goal. It's the outcome of a behavioural goal. A behavioural goal is set based on what YOU have control of. For example, a goal of exercising for 30 minutes per day for the next 6 weeks is a behavioural goal because it's the behaviour required to lose 10kg (the outcome goal). I wrote an article about this in more detail here. The point is, setting a New Year's resolution isn't setting you up for any long term success. If you want to set a goal this year that motivates you for longer than a month, download my cheat sheet below and set a BEHAVIOURAL goal, based on your OUTCOME goal. I guarantee you'll feel a lot more confident in achieving what you set out to accomplish in 2017. Am I saying you shouldn't set a New Year's resolution? Absolutely not. I'm saying you should make sure that if/when you set a goal for 2017, it's one that's meaningful, has a true purpose and one that you have full control of. Let's move on to strategy number two. #2 - Build A Routine Admit it, how much easier is life when you have your daily routine? It's that one thing you do that you don't even think about while doing it. It's like the routine you have when you wake up. We all have one, and most of them are similar. Yours may look like this: Wake up --> check facebook --> gradually climb out of bed --> put the kettle on --> wake the kids up and so on. Whatever your routine, it's a routine because you've done it over and over again until it's become a habit. You do it every day, without fail. Now, how cool would it be to have a whole bunch of healthy routines that make 'being healthy' easy? Sounds pretty good right? You see, routines create habits and habits create long lasting results. If you build a healthy routine, you build a healthy habit and well, you can see where that takes you. If you start the year building a healthy routine, July will roll around and you've not only lost weight but you've completely transformed your life in a matter of months. Plus, you've built a routine to keep it off. Here's an example of a habit loop for 'accomplishment' from the book "The Power Of Habit" by Charles Duhigg. I highly recommend you read it. I help ALL of my clients build their own healthy routine around their goal. Here are some examples of healthy routines you could build:
Now, you're probably wondering how long it takes to build a routine. Well, research suggests it can take anywhere from 2-8 months depending on how difficult the habit is to incorporate into your daily life. The point is, it takes time to build a routine, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't start in the first place. If I told you you could completely transform your body forever like these guys in a matter of months, you'd probably do it right? You don't have to change a lot, to change a lot. Forget the New Year's resolutions and do something meaningful like build a routine. On to the final strategy, and probably the most important piece of advice... #3 - Invest In Yourself This is probably the hardest one. We're so reluctant to invest in ourselves. Now, investing in yourself doesn't necessarily mean going out and spending thousands on a handbag or watch (although if that's how you roll, I won't judge), it means putting more time and effort into looking after yourself, so you can keep giving to others. Every day we push ourselves physically and emotionally skyrocketting our stress levels to the point of having nothing left to give (I'm guilty of this). Often in times of high stress, we view every situation with negative self talk which can lead to periods of depression and anxiety. Unfortunately, more often than not, it's the things that matter most such as our health and relationships which suffer as a result. Remember, being healthy doesn't always mean pushing yourself in the gym to the point of failure. In fact, if you're going through a period of high stress, this can sometimes have a negative effect. What I'm trying to say is, if you want to be healthy in 2017, start investing in yourself in these areas:
Pro Tip: You could incorporate any of the above into a daily routine. You could completely build a new, healthy routine around seeing a personal trainer, completing a monthly course, having a weekly date night or ensuring you get no less than 6-8 hours sleep. In other words, merge strategies two and three for one super strategy. Where To From Here? Now that you've learnt 3 strategies to a guaranteed healthy 2017, it's time to put it into action. Let's quickly recap those strategies:
If you want dedicated, one on one support to put these strategies into action, fill out the short form below and I'll be in contact with you. We'll discuss the best plan of action for your goals and how I can best help you achieve them.
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